cake beauty | - Part 18


(left to right: Bare Escentuals  Mineral Veil, Bulgari Sephora Coffret, Philosophy Collection, Two Faced “The Quickie Chronicles” Mini Collection) Some birthdays are best to be forgotten (hello, John McCain’s?). But Sephora’s 10th anniversary is a landmark. To commemorate this sacred occasion, the makeup mavens have...

Some products look cuter on TV than they do in real life. They make your heart strings go zing during those commercial breaks and make you want to rush out to the store and buy some for your grandma, your pet hamster,even your ex. Until...

Skip over Filenes. Gloss over a few pre-eminent cafes, and find yourself at the doorstep of high-end beauty’s next home: Bluemercury Apothecary & Spa. Founder Marla Malcolm Beck personally picks each product she carries in her store, which is testament enough to her due diligence....