A Beauty Editor's Best Spa Tip: Listen To Your Aesthetician And Get The HydraFacial - Review | BeautyStat.com

A Beauty Editor’s Best Spa Tip: Listen To Your Aesthetician And Get The HydraFacial – Review

a beauty editors best spa tip listen to your aesthetician and get the hydrafacial review

A Beauty Editor’s Best Spa Tip: Listen To Your Aesthetician And Get The HydraFacial – Review

a beauty editor's Best Spa Tip: Listen To Your Aesthetician And Get The HydraFacial - Review

As an adult, I’ve learned that intense, serious pleasures can be even better than easy ones. Like single origin pour-over coffee, when I was once totally enthused about instant cappuccino. I have had a facial before… mostly at home, where I slather on my fave Ole Henriksen Blue/Black Berry Enzyme Mask. But my lovely Scandinavian aesthetician let me know that my anti-aging cream was responsible for my acne, and she left my skin glowing. The Fountain MedSpa’s HydraFacial, my friends, is on a whole… ‘nother… level.

What’s A HydraFacial? – Hydrates, Protects, Exfoliates With Serums For All Skin Types

Because I am a faithful BeautyStat guinea pig, I didn’t bother doing much research before my appointment. I did, however, register that Fountain MedSpa is less “incense and Enya” and more “we can make you Kardashian-level hot with science.” As someone who will pick high glamour over organic shampoo (sorry) any day, I went in totally game for any high tech procedure recommended for my fair, just-turned 25-year-old skin.

I originally chose the Oxygen Facial, because it sounded sexy, but the wonderful Maribel took one look at my forehead and decided that I needed to be “cleaned out” with the more hardcore HydraFacial. If you have not experienced the tough love of a good facialist, you are missing out on one of adulthood’s greatest perks.

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My virgin skin was worked over with the HydraFacial’s signature hydradermabrasion, which combines cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration and antioxidants. In English? A sci-fi movie-worthy machine is wheeled over and smoothed over your face several times. I’ve never felt anything quite like it before; just imagine science whooshing away your blemishes like a vain Judy Jetson. My skin was treated to manual extractions, eye masks and my first-ever peel: a glycolic/salicylic acid combo. Intense, yes. And therapeutically awesome.

image via giphy.com

The treatment took just over an hour. If you are (ahem) currently dealing with a breakout, the HydraFacial may leave you a little pink. My skin wasn’t irritated at all the next day, and the results are so very, very worth it. Say it with me now, Beyonce lovers: pretty hurts. My pores have not been this clear since I graduated from training bras. If Instagram-ing one’s nose was a normal thing to do, I would have shown the world how fabulous mine looked. Instead, I went out for drinks sans makeup and felt totally confident with my fancy, unbelievably clean face.

You can purchase all reviewed and mentioned items using our site, www.BeautyStat.com!

Have you beauties ever treated yo-selves to a HydraFacial before? We’re pretty obsessed with them here at BeautyStat.

Let us know by commenting below (you just might win a free sample)! Make sure to follow us on our Pinterest page by clicking HERE! And don’t forget to get the latest beauty and skincare news by following us on Twitter @BeautyStat! #bstat

– Mandie Williams | Follow Mandie on Twitter @mandiethekid & Instagram @KIDWILLIAMS

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1 Comment
  • Trisha B.
    Posted at 22:34h, 22 August

    Never have treated myself to a HydraFacial but sure would like to

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