How Can Baking Soda Benefit Your Beauty Routine: Get Glowing Skin, DIY Manicure/Pedicure Treatment, Brighten Teeth, Deep-Clean Hair |

How Can Baking Soda Benefit Your Beauty Routine: Get Glowing Skin, DIY Manicure/Pedicure Treatment, Brighten Teeth, Deep-Clean Hair

How Can Baking Soda Benefit Your Beauty Routine: Get Glowing Skin, DIY Manicure/Pedicure Treatment, Brighten Teeth, Deep-Clean Hair

how can baking soda benefit your beauty routine get glowing skin diy manicurepedicure treatment brighten teeth deep clean hair

Our beloved beauty products can often cost us a pretty penny. So to get yourself properly primped and pampered, without the hefty price tag, make Arm & Hammer Baking Soda your do-all product for some amazing and effective beauty treatments.

Whether you desire a DIY foot soak or a gleaming white smile, baking soda is known for its  versatile and amazing beauty properties while remaining natural and non-toxic. With baking soda, you don’t have to worry about questionable ingredients, as it’s an easy and harmless staple that can be used in a variety of ways.

At-Home Facial

For a penny-saving facial, make a paste of 3 parts Arm & Hammer Baking Soda to 1 part water. Rub the mixture onto the face and massage in circular motions to shed away dead skin cells.

how can baking soda benefit your beauty routine get glowing skin diy manicurepedicure treatment brighten teeth deep clean hair

DIY Manicure

And for a salon-worthy manicure that you can do at home, mix 3 parts of baking soda with 1 part water. Simply exfoliate your hands and fingers with the mixture for supple and smooth skin.

DIY Dry Shampoo/Deodorant

Making a great oil and odor-busting alternative, don’t be afraid to use baking soda as a natural dry shampoo or deodorant, too. Just lightly dust the product onto desired areas for fast-acting relief. Plus, If you’re a bubble bath lover, add some Arm & Hammer to hot water for a soothing bath soak. Neutralizing acids and skin irritants such as sunburn and bug bites, add a ½ cup of baking soda for best results.

how can baking soda benefit your beauty routine get glowing skin diy manicurepedicure treatment brighten teeth deep clean hair

Freshen Teeth/Banish Hair Build-Up

Known for its brightening and cleansing properties, baking soda also works wonders on both your hair and smile. To sparkle up those pearly whites, sprinkle some baking soda onto a damp toothbrush and brush away for a gorgeous smile. Give your hair some irresistible shine by treating your tresses to a deep-cleansing hair treatment. Banish product build-up and residue left behind by mixing some baking soda with your shampoo for a seriously healthy clean.

You can purchase all reviewed and mentioned items using our site,!

Do any of you beauties use Arm & Hammer Baking Soda in your beauty routine?

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– Courtney Leiva | Follow Courtney on Twitter @CourtneyLeiva

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